Illinois Pa Collaborative Agreement

If you`re a physician assistant looking to practice in Illinois, you may have heard of the collaborative agreement requirement. But what exactly is a collaborative agreement, and how does it pertain to your practice in the state?

A collaborative agreement is a legal document that outlines the working relationship between a physician assistant (PA) and a licensed physician. In Illinois, PAs are required to have a collaborative agreement in place in order to practice.

The agreement must be written and signed by both the PA and the collaborating physician, and it must meet several criteria set forth by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR).

According to the IDFPR, a collaborative agreement must include:

– A statement of the medical acts and procedures that the PA is authorized to perform

– A statement of the medical acts and procedures that the collaborating physician will provide oversight for

– A description of the supervisory process, including how the PA and physician will communicate and consult with one another

– A plan for periodic review and evaluation of the PA`s performance

The collaboration between the PA and physician must also include:

– Direct communication between the two parties at least every 2 weeks

– Review by the physician of a representative sample of the PA`s medical records every month

– Physical presence by the physician for at least 5% of the PA`s patient encounters annually

– A plan for the physician to respond to emergency situations

It`s important to note that the collaborative agreement requirement applies to all PAs in Illinois, regardless of their specialty or area of practice. Failure to have a valid, up-to-date agreement in place can result in disciplinary action by the IDFPR.

However, there are some exceptions to the requirement. PAs who practice in certain settings, such as federal facilities or hospice programs, may be exempt from the collaborative agreement requirement. Additionally, PAs who hold a Master`s degree in nursing and are certified as Advanced Practice Nurses may be exempt.

In conclusion, if you`re a PA practicing in Illinois, it`s essential to have a collaborative agreement in place with a licensed physician. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the requirements set forth by the IDFPR and make sure your agreement is up-to-date and in compliance. By doing so, you can ensure you`re practicing within legal and ethical guidelines and providing the best possible care to your patients.

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